Heart of Fire SCRIPT

[Castle Entrance]

(Soma walks into the area and sees Yoko and Julius)

Soma Cruz: Huh?
Those two...

(Soma walks over to Julius and Yoko who turn around)

Yoko Belnades: Oh! Soma!

Julius Belmont: ...

Soma Cruz: Yoko. Julius. What are you two doing here?

Yoko Belnades: Funny you should ask that. We got wind of this cult from a tip by Arikado.
I'm investigating with Mr. Belmont. I'm sure you remember him, the hunter.

Julius Belmont: Soma, please understand.
If the darkness draws you in... I have no choice but to destroy you.

Soma Cruz: Yes, I know...

Julius Belmont: Then, there is no reason for you to be here.

Yoko Belnades: That's right. You're only putting yourself in danger.

Soma Cruz: That Celia woman... Not only was she after me, she tried to harm Mina, too.
I'm not gonna stop until I find her.

Julius Belmont: You're determined, I see.
Then, I have nothing more to say.

Yoko Belnades: Wait. Wait, Julius. How can you just say that?

Julius Belmont: I'll be going now.

Yoko Belnades: Wait a second. I'm coming, too.

Julius Belmont: No, Yoko, you stay. We'll need a contact here, just in case.

Yoko Belnades: Hey, wait! You can't just...!

(Julius takes off, and enters the castle)

Yoko Belnades: Men! They're so selfish!
I bet you have no intention of going home, either.

Soma Cruz: Well, uh...

Yoko Belnades: Fine, then. Here, take this.

(Yoko hands over Magic Seal 1)

Soma Cruz: And this is?

Yoko Belnades: A Magic Seal.

Soma Cruz: Magic Seal?

Yoko Belnades: The cult leader appears to create gates that draw the power of darkness.
Monsters exposed to that power are said to be invincible.

Soma Cruz: So how am I supposed to destroy them?

Yoko Belnades: That's where this Magic Seal comes in.
Want to practice using it?

Soma Cruz: No, that's okay.

Yoko Belnades: Oh... Well, that's fine, then.
Oh, one more thing.
You can practice drawing a Magic Seal anytime.
If you're not sure how to do it, you should definitely practice.

Soma Cruz: Got it.

Yoko Belnades: A Magic Seal activates on its own when it's needed. Give it a try and see.
Okay, now...
Let's go, Soma.

Soma Cruz: Huh? Go where?

Yoko Belnades: It's a dead end here.
Only Julius could get in from somewhere like this.
We should go back and find a different way in.

Soma Cruz: All right. If we have to...

Yoko Belnades: There's no shelter from the rain and wind here, either.
Will you escort me?

Soma Cruz: Uh... Sure, of course.

Yoko Belnades: Thanks. Let's go.

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